Sunday:7:30 AMEnglishEnglishEN9:00 AMEnglishEnglishENat St. Lawrence11:00 AMEnglishEnglishEN5:30 PMEnglishEnglishEN
Daily Mass Schedule
MonFri7:30 AMEnglishEnglishEN
Saturday:8:00 AMEnglishEnglishEN
Upcoming Holy Days
Ash Wednesday
March 5:7:30 AMEnglishEnglishEN(followed by adoration and confession 8:30-noon)12:10 PMEnglishEnglishEN3:00 PMEnglishEnglishENLiturgy of the Word Only (followed by adoration and confession 3:30-5:30)6:00 PMEnglishEnglishEN(followed by adoration and confession 7-8)
Wednesday:8:00 AM to 9:00 AM (changed to 8:30 to noon on Ash Wednesday)6:30 PM to 7:30 PM (changed to 7-8 p.m. on Ash Wednesday because of 6 p.m. Mass)
Saturday:8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
or by appointment
Adoration Times
Sunday:3:00 PM to 5:00 PM (suspended in July and August)
Wednesday:8:00 AM to 9:00 AM (changed to 8:30 to noon on Ash Wednesday)6:30 PM to 7:30 PM (changed to 7-8 p.m. on Ash Wednesday because of 6 p.m. Mass)
Saturday:8:30 AM to 9:30 AM
Novena to St. Anthony
Stations of the Cross
FRIDAY: 6:00 PM during Lent GOOD FRIDAY: 2:15 PM Children's Stations of the Cross