Here are some ways you can get involved in our parish. If you are interested in a ministry, please reach out to the contact specified in the description or the parish office if there is no specific contact mentioned.
Is there a ministry you were involved in elsewhere that isn't listed? Contact our pastor and let him know if you are interested in starting something new at Saint Mary.
We are happy to be able to offer a place for a Narcotics Anonymous group to meet regularly to provide individuals with a community of recovery and support. This NA group meets at our lower church on Fridays at 7:30 p.m. (For other addiction recovery groups, please call those specific local groups in the area for information on their meetings.)
This ministry seeks to support those who are coping with the loss of a loved one through periodic weekly meetings of faith and fellowship. Any parishioner who is mourning the loss of a loved one is encouraged to attend and can bring a friend. For more information or questions, please contact Mary Slattery at 617-566-1653 or [email protected].
We have two different bible study groups:
One is held every two weeks on Tuesday evenings on Zoom and gives an overview of Sacred Scripture with an introduction to the basic principles for understanding and interpreting the Bible. The focus is on God’s divine plan of salvation, the presence of His action in the record of His Revelation, and His desire to share His merciful love with us. Primary sources including major Biblical texts, writings of Church Doctors and Fathers, major theologians, and magisterial documents are read. Contact Sarah Fernandez here if interested.
The other is Tuesday Nights Bible Study which meets in-person weekly
6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall. For questions about this group, please email Gabe and Katie at [email protected].
The Book Club meets the last Monday of most months at 7 p.m. Check the bulletin and website for information on the books being read and meetings. Contact Mary Slattery for more information.
This is a fraternal organization for men of the faith, young and old, to come together in fellowship, deeper commitment to the parish, and service to the community. Among various things, the Knights usually serve coffee after the 11 a.m. Mass and have taken on hosting some events such as our annual parish BBQ in honor of our patronal feast of the Assumption, our annual Oktoberfest, and our annual Fish Fry supper after Stations of the Cross on one of the Fridays in Lent, as well as occasional pancake breakfasts to fundraise for a worthy cause. If interested or for more information, please email
[email protected].
The Men's Group is for men of all ages striving to urgently answer the Church's call to holiness. meetings (every other Thursday from 7-8:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall) we foster spiritual growth and fellowship through prayer, reflection, and discussion. We also grow in fraternity through fun social events such as hikes, pickup sports, or simply grabbing a good meal together. Check our events listing,
bulletin, or parish Facebook page for monthly meeting dates and details. For more information, please email
[email protected].
Pax is our mental health ministry open to parishioners who have struggled with mental health as well as those with loved ones who are impacted by mental illness. This is NOT a therapy group, but a place to come together once a month to talk about mental health and learn about the Church's teachings on mental illness. Check our bulletin and/or Facebook page for periodic details on upcoming meetings. For more information, please email [email protected] and visit the PAX site.
A men's accountability group based on Sexaholics Anonymous. For more details, please email
[email protected].
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international lay Catholic organization that serves our neighbors in need of assistance, regardless of their religious affiliation. Although there are many organizations providing critical services to the poor in our local community, SVdP is unique in that it is centered around home visits and spiritual growth of its members through outreach to the poor.
Our SVdP conference focuses on the Brookline community, referring others to their local conference. Many requests are for rental assistance, but we also help with other emergency expenses. In addition, we provide monthly grocery gift cards to individuals and families whose needs are not met through other programs. Through partnerships with other organizations such as the Welcome Home Pantry in Newton or the Thrifty Threads thrift shop at United Parish, we can assist with material needs such as home furnishings and clothing, often at little or no cost.
The Vincentians play an important role in the parish Thanksgiving outreach program. Each year approximately 50 local families receive a turkey and side items to prepare at home. They also take home a bag of groceries donated by St. Mary’s students and their families as well as fresh produce from Food Link,
a food rescue organization in Arlington.
The parish conference was established over 100 years ago, but the Brookline community was largely unaware of our work until recently. As the programs that helped during COVID-19 have ended, the conference has emerged as an important resource for Brookline residents facing eviction or other challenges. The Brookline Housing Authority and other local agencies now routinely refer residents and clients to SVdP.
Our programs are supported through grants from the Brookline Community Foundation and the generosity of parishioners. In addition, when you light a candle in the church, your donation goes to support the work of the Vincentians.
If you are in need of assistance or are referring a client, please call the parish office or email [email protected]. New members are most welcome. Please contact us by email or through the parish staff for additional information.
The Women's Group ministry is for women of all ages striving to urgently answer the Church's call to holiness. We foster friendship and community with monthly social events. We also encourage spiritual growth through various faith-sharing opportunities, including Bible studies, book clubs, retreats, and the Mother's Prayer Group. Learn more about our regular gatherings below. For more information and upcoming events, join our mailing list and visit our Facebook page. Check our website's Events listing as well for the group's events. Contact us at [email protected].
During the school year, every other Sunday during the Liturgy of the Word at the 11 a.m. Mass, young children of the congregation are invited to go to the parish hall to learn about that Sunday's Gospel readings from Religious Education teachers and parent volunteers. If you're interested in volunteering or have questions, please click here to contact our Director of Religious Education, Sarah Fernandez.
St. Mary of the Assumption School educates students from early childhood to the 8th grade and builds on a rich tradition of Catholic education. Our culturally diverse community enriches and strengthens students who are guided by the Love of God and Love of Neighbor. As a faith community, children learn the values of reverence, respect, and responsibility. These qualities are an integral part of the curriculum and every aspect of student life. Learn more at the school's website.
Our Religious Education program provides faith formation for students in Kindergarten up to high school. Parishioners volunteer as catechists/teachers with classes meeting on most Sundays throughout the school year. Please consider volunteering to be a catechist or substitute catechist. If interested, please click here to contact our Director of Religious Education, Sarah Fernandez.
Our Young Adults and Youth Ministries provide a strong and supportive community in which to grow in faith, surrounded by friends who share the same values and convictions.
For the Young Adult Community, in addition to devotional and prayer activities, there are social activities and opportunities to learn more about our faith throughout the year such as Theology on Tap, a monthly gathering for young adults at a local restaurant and bar featuring a theological talk by a guest speaker during a couple of hours of fellowship, food, and drink. There are also opportunities to live your faith and give back by volunteering for good causes such as visiting residents of the local CareOne nursing home. Please see the Young Adults page on our website and visit the Young Adults Facebook group. You can also sign up here to receive emails about upcoming events. For more information about the Young Adults community, please contact [email protected].
The St. Mary Young Adults Ministry fosters the Youth Ministry which is for students from Grades 6 to 12. Our Youth Ministry includes, but is not limited to, Religious Education classes for 6th to 10th graders which includes our two-year Confirmation Preparation program (formerly for Grades 9 and 10, now transitioning over the next three years to be for Grades 7 and 8). For more information, please contact our Youth Minister, Julia Ferrari, at [email protected].
This group assists in coordinating events that help to spread the Good News. From the annual parish BBQ to special seasonal devotions during Lent and Easter, they are always looking for ways to share the love of God and the joy of following Him.
This council advises the pastor on financial matters of the parish including the school. The group, along with our Finance and Operations manager, assists the pastor in his responsibility for monitoring all income, expenses, and approving the annual budgets.
The PPC is made up of a group representative of the parish. It assists the pastor in his leadership role and is involved in most activities and programs affecting the liturgical and spiritual life of the parish.
This group coordinates the social gatherings that take place after one of the Sunday Masses. Volunteers are needed to prepare coffee, bring a baked good to share, and/or set up and clean up the venue. If you have any questions or would like to be scheduled as a host, please email [email protected].
As a parish we are committed to living the Gospel and working for peace and justice. This committee comes up with ways that we can better promote the Church's social teaching.
We offer an Adult Confirmation crash course for adult Catholics who have not received this Sacrament of Initiation. It is held twice a year in spring and fall and lasts a few weeks leading up to confirmation in May for the spring course or January for the fall course. Check our bulletin and website for news about when this crash course will be offered. Please click here to contact our Director of Religious Education and Faith Formation, Sarah Fernandez, for more information.
To help prepare parents for the formation of their child’s faith (parishioners who will be a godparent at a baptism held
elsewhere and are required to attend catechesis are also welcome). Usually held on the fourth Sunday of the month in the lower church conference room after the last morning Mass for baptisms the following month or another future month. Use our Baptism Request form to schedule a baptism and/or sign up for a baptism prep session.
Wednesdays in the morning from 8:30 - 9:30 after Mass and evening from 6:30 - 7:30. Saturdays from
8:30 - 9:30 a.m. after the daily Mass. Sundays from 3 - 5 p.m. (suspended during July and August) before the 5:30 Mass. All concluding with Benediction. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed and adored by volunteers who sign up to pray before the Lord Jesus present in the monstrance.
The St. Mary Prayer Line prays every day for the needs and intentions of our parishioners and friends. Please email [email protected] if you would like to have a prayer added to the prayer line (include the name(s) of the person(s) who needs prayer; you may also include the particular need or intention). If you would like to become a member of the Parish Prayer Line, please contact us at the email address above. Members commit to praying daily for the needs of the people in our prayer line.
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults – preparation of adult candidates for entry into or to be in full communion with the Catholic Church. For more information, please submit this OCIA Interest Form and Deacon John Nicholson will get back to you.
Friday evenings at 6 p.m. during Lent followed by a light soup supper (usually on the Friday before Palm Sunday we have a Fish Fry supper instead). On Good Friday, in addition to the usual Friday evening Stations, we pray a children's Stations of the Cross at 2:15 in the afternoon before our Good Friday liturgy. Please check the bulletin and website during Lent and Holy Week for our current schedule.
Usually every Sunday after the last morning Mass.
Third graders and above assist the priest at Mass and other liturgical rites.
Reader who proclaims the Word of God in the scripture readings at Mass and other services. If you are interested in being a lector, please contact Mary Slattery, our Pastoral Assistant.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion assist the priest and deacon with the distribution of the Holy Eucharist at Mass and to the sick and homebound. If you are interested in this ministry, please reach out to our pastor,
Fr. Jonathan, or our parochial vicar, Fr. David.
Our parish choirs provide support to the sung prayers of the liturgy. New members are always welcome. Please consider joining the choir or sharing your musical skills if you play an instrument.
ST. MARY CAMPUS: Join together in song under the direction of our talented choir director. Sing at the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass as your schedule allows. Rehearsals are on Sunday mornings in the choir loft an hour or so before Mass. Contact Arthur Rishi at
617-734-0444 ext. 9 or click here to send him a message. We invite you to visit our music website for more information (including music for weddings and funerals).
ST. LAWRENCE CAMPUS: The St. Lawrence choir meets at 8:30 a.m. to prepare for the 9 a.m. Mass. Periodic evening rehearsals are optional. With limited rehearsals, musical training and/or willingness to work on your own will be helpful. Contact Warren Hutchison at 617-734-0444.
Our parish subscription to Formed gives parishioners free access to great Catholic content through Roku, Apple TV, Amazon Fire TV, Android, and iOS devices. Here’s how to create your account through the parish:
1. Go to and click Sign Up.
2. Select Sign up as a parishioner.
3. Find our parish by entering our zip code: 02445.
4. Enter your email address—and you’re in!
This endeavor was done during the early months of the pandemic lockdown in 2020. From our Music Director, Arthur Rishi, at that time:
I am pleased to post the video of our parish singing “Amazing Grace” together. It captures a special, if bittersweet, moment in our parish. It is so heartwarming to see so many people making music at home and sharing their talents with fellow parishioners, while we all long for the day when we can sing and worship together in person.
I want to give a special word of thanks to Maja Tremiszewska for creating the piano track that we all used to stay together musically as we recorded our separate videos. Although you don’t see her in the video, she is the glue that is holding everyone’s contributions together. Thank you also to my wife, Kimberly Rishi, who came up with the idea for the project, and who gave me incredibly helpful advice and support during the (lengthy) editing process.
You will notice that the video ends with a snippet of the choir singing "Amazing Grace" at Mass last year. Choir member Stanley LaCroix, who happened to take this video with his phone, is just visible on one side of the shot holding his choir book with the lovely stained glass of the choir loft behind him. I long to be there with all of you soon.
"‘tis Grace has brought us safe thus far, and grace will lead us home…."